September is drawing to a close, drinktec 22 is 14 days behind us, time for a trade fair review!
It was PRECOGIT’s first trade fair and then straight to drinktec! That was quite an adventure for us. The preparations kept us pretty busy in the run-up and in the end we were quite happy, relieved and proud to stand on our finished stand on the Sunday evening before the fair.
As usual, Monday started quietly, and from Tuesday onwards it became more and more crowded at our stand until Thursday, when it was much quieter again on Friday afternoon, so that we could slowly start dismantling. The official post-event report on drinktec shows a significant drop in visitor numbers compared to the pre-pandemic period (2017: 76,000 visitors, 2022: 50,000 visitors). For us, it would have been difficult to cope with 50% more visitors at our stand. At the same time, we had a great partner at the stand in CONSILIO, with whom we complement each other and our portfolios excellently. At our DENK BAR, we had enlightening discussions on the topics that move the industry, often in the threesome of customer – CONSILIO – PRECOGIT, with a PRECOGIT Hell or a PRECOGIT Wies.
The quiet Monday allowed me to give a talk at the Inspiration Hub. Two of the defined topics that move the industry were “Digital Solutions & Digital Transformation” and “Sustainable Production & Sustainable Packaging”. Christian and I developed the presentation in advance on both topics, because from our point of view, sustainable digital solutions and concepts are the key to a transformation (ultimately of the entire industry) towards more sustainability. And so, in my talk entitled “Would it not be nice?”, I reported on the challenges and opportunities of the circular economy in the context of #BreweryoftheFuture. The core topics were a look at the circular economy itself and the influence on CO2e accounting in the industry. The focus was on reusable logistics as an example.
Would we do it again? Christian and I answered this question with a definite “yes” on the last day. We had further discussions with our customers and partners and, above all, many new contacts directly at the fair. What pleases us even more is that even interested parties approach us and want to talk to us about our approaches who we have not contacted before. This confirms to us that we will continue to pursue and deepen our approach of #BrauereiDerZukunft and the topics around the circular economy, especially also reusable logistics.