Our Helles now in organic quality! As a “New-Style Helles”, it is somewhat more tart and slightly more aromatic with hops than an ordinary Helles. It encourages you to keep on drinking.
Key data
Original wort: 11,3°P
Date of brew: 4.6.2022
Brewery: freibier.cc
Pan full quantity: 300l
Hot pouring quantity: 260l
Brewing water
Main pour: 170l
Second pours: As required
42kg organic Pilsener barley malt, Weyermann, Bamberg, batch X110-31110025-01
3kg organic CaraHell, Weyermann, Bamberg, batch X053-33242025-01
Organic inspection body DE-ÖKO-037
Mashing temperature: 55°C
1st rest: 55°C, 20min
2nd rest: 62°C, 15min
3rd rest: 72°C, 30min
Mashing off: 78°C
Wort boiling with hop addition
Boiling time: 75 min
Hops added at the start of boiling: 120g organic Hallertauer Tradition, 6.9% alpha acid, pellet type 90, harvest 2020, hops and more, batch number BE30503
Hops added after 60min boiling time: 50g Bio Hallertauer Tradition, 6.9% alpha acid, pellet type 90, harvest 2020, hops and more, batch number BE30503
Hop addition WHP: 130g Bio Hallertauer Tradition, 6.9% alpha acid, pellet type 90, harvest 2020, hops and more, batch number BE30503
Hop addition WHP: 200g organic Ariana, 10.5% alpha acid, pellet type 90, crop 2020, hops and more, batch number BE30781
pitching temperature: 24°C
Yeast: 100g Fermentis SafLager W-34/70, dry sprinkled on cold wort after cooling.
After yeast addition cool down to approx. 12°C, keep for 4 weeks
Cold hopping on 24.6.2022: 200g organic Ariana, 10.5% alpha acid, pellet type 90, harvest 2020, hops and more, batch number BE30781
Bottle fermentation
Bottled on 8.7.2022 with 25l feed from brew day.
One week at 15°C, afterwards cool <10°C